Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New year New Goals New Me

With 2009 under my belt I have said Hello and goodbye to some people. Some were easier to say goodbye to and others made me make a decision to have to say it. Like my friend Johnell told me " Some people need to realize that you are disposable in my life" and that was some of the realist shit she ever spoke. So with saying good bye to people it made me evaluate what those so called friends and family brought to my life.

1. Drama that I don't want and don't have time for, I'm mad and sticking up for a person who does not show me the same respect or give the same consideration that I give people. If I will RIDE OR DIE for you should I not get the same in return?

2. Having to hear your STUPID comments in situations that YOU put your self in. You ask for my advice I give it and you do the opposite what sense does that make.

3. Finally coming to the realization that you don't have to be here and I have the CHOICE to deal with who I want to deal with and who I do not want to deal with. I refuse to fight for relationships with people that I don't really want.

Like my Sis Moka says " I create my own family with my friends" some people just need to get kicked out the family with their Chimichanga asses LOL.

So New and improved Rugie 20.10 is just happy and living life enjoying this time I have with my friends and family and appreciating the good relationships that I do have and not dwelling on the ones that did not make it to 2010.

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