Saturday, October 17, 2009

How do you date?

So I have been doing this Dating this for a min. To Love or not to Love, To Kick it or not to kick it! My friends and I can sit down for hours and discuss the male race and their faults, likes, love and the lust for them whats that saying " YOU CAN'T LIVE WITH THEM BUT YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM" So How do we date in the 2009-2010. I was watching the Monique show and Columbus Short the guy from "Stomp the Yard" was saying how he felt sorry for our young women and how we don't have the concept of being courted by a man. That got me to thinking DO WE? when a guy now a days asks us to go out it's a movies or maybe going to his house. There is not the pick me up at home, take me to dinner for more than 5 times. just the hang out make out and maybe SEX . So I ask the question" What is your worth? I know that I want Marriage, children and a good man. I don't want a baby dad no offense to my single mothers, but I have seen first hand what its is like for some of you and how hard you work. Not saying I could not do it by myself if need be but What has happened to the dating that used to happen have we as women SETTLED for the Hang out maybe he is my man or we are just kicking it. what happened to the will you be my girl check YES or NO days of holding hands and not just being an in the house girlfriend!

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