Friday, October 23, 2009

Some of my work

Here are some of my writings enjoy

My feelings on a platter
So tonite i have decided that i'am going to put my feeling on the platter...You know tell you how i feel on this platter....lets start with the menu....On the main course right side i have LIKE, REALLY LIKE, LUST, AND PLAIN OUT LOVE. On the left side of the menu i have FRIENDS, GOOD FRIENDS, FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS,DATING, BOYFRIEND, AND FUTURE HUSBAND....are you ready to hear about the side dishes BE FOREAL, TRUTH, and COMMENTMENT, so what will it be...I need us to start out as friends which we have because me and you go back like that so now lets move up on the list Boyfriend i want one but only if your ready...I like my boyfriend hot, you know sexy body like woah, and a lil somthing to make me say ohhhh....I need him sweet some one who knows me someone who keeps my attentions.. Holds me all night and touches me in the morning....He has to stay money motivated cuz shit i'am you say when i'am ready your ready for a serious relationship but are you really....So here is my feeling os a platter A whole lot of i want t be with you, take vacations with you, because i enjoy waking up to you...your body has me like woah and when you touch me i yelled now you know....I have no where else to go. Were at this place in life i want to be in your life and be the one in your plans of what you want in 3 to 5 can you take my menu how about you tell me whats on your menu?

There have been so many time that I have wanted to breath But my real question is can you help?
Help me breath through the madness of my daily stress?
Help get me through my breaths of what helps me hold back tears through my fears of being hurt by someone else?
Help me to be able to love again with a free mind and soul?
Help me to say shit all men aint the same?
Help me through the sleepless nights of wondering where you are when your not sleeping by my side?
Help me as I wake up from the dream that you are hurt and I can't save you from the streets that you roam?
Help me to help you find your way home?
Help me to help myself to Help you?
Help me to be okay without you?
Help me to Breath?

*Someone for me*

Someone who loves me for me, for my rights and my wrongs
Someone who finds it hard to eat, sleeps, breath, live and love without me
Someone whose touch, kiss and Hug is unforgettable
Someone who might not be near me but I feel their heart beat with mines
Someone who when I cry feels my tears and wants to substitute security for my fears
Someone who takes my mind, body and soul to the level of excellence
Someone who I see next to me for life
Someone who is not afraid to tell the world and me that he loves me with every breath of his being
Someone who I look back at this poem and say
"That someone was you"

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