Monday, October 12, 2009

Friends Let me Tell you...

So when I first thought about hitting the Blog these ladies came to mind because I have had the most random times with them that I can't believe that it never has been written down " ARE YOU SERIOUS". In no real order just the way that the pics came up when I posted them hell I'm still figuring this thing out so this is what you get. These are some of the ladies who I ask what they think and LOVE to hangout with. In order for me to want to be around someone you must posses these qualities







a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
a member of the same nation, party, etc.

So I'm going to give you a slight spit of my friends more friends will come in my later blogs as " Legally Rugie Bee goes" on ya dig.

So You have my Jaz I'll call her Classy with an A**. C with A you ask Some Guy in Miami called her that and me Short Stop and the names stuck. This girl makes me want an iPhone because she finds any and everything in the world with it Pure comedy. She is my Friend that is on Twitter and we can laugh about Random moments " Tweet Diddy" " Diddy I See you" LOL inside joke Class with A** knows. The crazy thing is we went to High School together and only knew of each other so I feel like we have years to make up for. My favorite Line from C with A " I had a Dream and CSI was in our Hotel room looking for finger prints". Now this Chick right Here Sokia like Nokia "get it" LOL I have known her since my days at Napa JC. She was the baby of the crew but let her act like it she thinks she is the Mama of the crew. Words that explain Sokia well... Great mom, Student, Friend, daughter, Sister and one goofy slow dancing on the pole in the club machine. I have never been so mad at her than when she moved to Atlanta, but she is back and brought us a gift and the gift was her daughter Kennedi. ( Side note: Kennedi is the smartest lil kid ever and also one of a kind) Now she is back and we RUN THIS TOWN in our own way. From her random stories to laughing and saying " Rugie your crazy" she is one of the funniest people I know and sweetest. She is the one who makes you think is the Gas leaking? and if you tell her you don't have time for this! she will ask you do you have time to DIE!

RIGHT UNDERNEATH ME! Sheena Rose dot H. She is the never trust a Big butt and smile on the real for real LOL. No just kidding this chick is my Lombardi Running, Student worker telling, 3 shot jumping, laughing so hard that we cry story telling homie. We are also known as the PEANUT Gallery. I have so many stories that include her and still till this day makes me laugh while I'm typing. She is the person who will go along with an all week drinking challenge when we had no business doing friend. She is the friend who will hold your dark deep secrets, She is the one that gets away with EVERYTHING. LOL Dammit. She is a dedicated hard working lady who will do great in life. Sheena is the one who will look at you with a serious look and say "REALLY RUGIE REALLY I don't want to go to jail TONIGHT".

"Johnell whats the name of that song?" Johnell also known as mama Nell, J-cropper cuz ya do it mo Proppa( I can see your face when you read it). Talk about when you need a friend or help with anything she is ya girl. Even though i tell her all the time " Do things that make you happy" she will respond " making people happy makes me happy". Every time we try to think back about how and when we became friends we can't think of it. I was running with a different crowd when I first met her. The first time she really gets to know me I'm throwing Bows in the club I was a wild one. She helped calm me down some days. Me and Johnell are the ones at the Bball games telling people how the other teams is wack and how we getting the "SHIP" when neither of us bounced one ball. But on the Flag football field she was the one who was not pulling flags but pushing Bit**es out of bounds saying. "Not today Save ya self". You can call her Coach she got all the plays. And she saying "alright girl I see you reppin The Bay and I reps NY all day".

Mac Mok. Moka. Mo. my Ace. This is the homie on the real for real. She has stood by me in fights, laughed and cried with me. My sis is one of a kind. My dad always says he has two daughters his Japanese, my mom calls her Gumbo and my brother calls her sister bear. I call her sis and SUNSHINE as we bump in the car blasting that MAC MUTHA FUCKIN DRE. When you see me you see her. One of a kind and always on time. Hard working and about her shit! Never getting played because as she would say" Game recognize Game" She is the one who will aways say I love you, when she gets off the phone. Mok is the one who supports me no matter what and Loves me unconditionally Chucky Chucky I love Chucky. She is the real of a dying fly ass breed. She is my fly shoe wearing, Jordan wearing, Choke holding, you don't want it with her, so Nick nack patty wack give ya hoe some donkey.

Now there is me I'm the one who brings it full circle not to toot my own horn but "TOOT" 'TOOT" My friends are great so i'm great. There the ones who complete me. Make me laugh, Cry, Throw up laughing and they will be some of my guest writers but we shall call them Rugie Bee's Guest Bee's. Our Life Your Entertainment! We got what those little girls wish they had. Walking down stairs in a fly pair of heels, Ass just right, we can ball with the best! Beat you up, Insult you without you relizing it, treat you like you don't exist, TURN THE CLUB OUT and Party while you wishing you could make it RAIN! We are just your adverage girls Trying to spit that game in this Mixed up world. But we are also God fearing, Strong, the type you can take home to your mom, Help you when your down and give props where it is Due. I love My ladies and my Ladies Love me!

Legally Rugie Bee!

1 comment:

  1. Rugie Bee...oh how I love the! Girl...I'm super hype that you have a blog now. Thanks for the shot out...I love you too girl! Anyways had to come and grace your page and let you know that I'm oh so ready for all of your blog topics haha.

    Okay I gotta get back to work. Talk to you soon!

