Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New year New Goals New Me

With 2009 under my belt I have said Hello and goodbye to some people. Some were easier to say goodbye to and others made me make a decision to have to say it. Like my friend Johnell told me " Some people need to realize that you are disposable in my life" and that was some of the realist shit she ever spoke. So with saying good bye to people it made me evaluate what those so called friends and family brought to my life.

1. Drama that I don't want and don't have time for, I'm mad and sticking up for a person who does not show me the same respect or give the same consideration that I give people. If I will RIDE OR DIE for you should I not get the same in return?

2. Having to hear your STUPID comments in situations that YOU put your self in. You ask for my advice I give it and you do the opposite what sense does that make.

3. Finally coming to the realization that you don't have to be here and I have the CHOICE to deal with who I want to deal with and who I do not want to deal with. I refuse to fight for relationships with people that I don't really want.

Like my Sis Moka says " I create my own family with my friends" some people just need to get kicked out the family with their Chimichanga asses LOL.

So New and improved Rugie 20.10 is just happy and living life enjoying this time I have with my friends and family and appreciating the good relationships that I do have and not dwelling on the ones that did not make it to 2010.

I been Gone for a miniute

Welcome 2010

Now with 2010 with almost one month down and 11 to go I guess its time for me to get back to my blog.....Back by popular demand and some threats I'm back. So I have been dating someone who I will call my secret well most of my real friends know that he is really not that much of a secret but more along the lines of getting to know before I let everyone in on whats been going on with us.

Sometimes keeping things to your self is not a bad thing. We as Women need to know when we should keep our mouths shut and just enjoy a good thing. Now what should we get into.... My friends and myself after watching and thinking about the future and not wanting to be one of those women who are 30 and single have come to the realization that MR. RIGHT DOES NOT EXIST. So I have stopped my search for the 6"0 chiseled body, college grad, working in a fortune 500 company driving the really nice car, No kids, Looks that make me melt and nice and knows how to treat a woman. Reality is my friend; So I just need someone who has common sense, a Job, attractive and goals still shooting for No kids I'm not giving that one UP!

But I'm the last of a dying BREED also, mid 20's No kids great job, college educated and I can COOK and CLEAN. So I also had to realize that I might not be my Mr. Rights Mrs. Right but I know that I'm not Mrs. Wrong. So as for now I will just sit back and relax. I would rather be alone that date a man that does not really want me or talks crazy to me or disrespects me.

Truly Yours ,

Legally Rugie Bee

Friday, October 23, 2009

Some of my work

Here are some of my writings enjoy

My feelings on a platter
So tonite i have decided that i'am going to put my feeling on the platter...You know tell you how i feel on this platter....lets start with the menu....On the main course right side i have LIKE, REALLY LIKE, LUST, AND PLAIN OUT LOVE. On the left side of the menu i have FRIENDS, GOOD FRIENDS, FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS,DATING, BOYFRIEND, AND FUTURE HUSBAND....are you ready to hear about the side dishes BE FOREAL, TRUTH, and COMMENTMENT, so what will it be...I need us to start out as friends which we have because me and you go back like that so now lets move up on the list Boyfriend i want one but only if your ready...I like my boyfriend hot, you know sexy body like woah, and a lil somthing to make me say ohhhh....I need him sweet some one who knows me someone who keeps my attentions.. Holds me all night and touches me in the morning....He has to stay money motivated cuz shit i'am you say when i'am ready your ready for a serious relationship but are you really....So here is my feeling os a platter A whole lot of i want t be with you, take vacations with you, because i enjoy waking up to you...your body has me like woah and when you touch me i yelled Ohhh...so now you know....I have no where else to go. Were at this place in life i want to be in your life and be the one in your plans of what you want in 3 to 5 years.....so can you take my menu how about you tell me whats on your menu?

There have been so many time that I have wanted to breath But my real question is can you help?
Help me breath through the madness of my daily stress?
Help get me through my breaths of what helps me hold back tears through my fears of being hurt by someone else?
Help me to be able to love again with a free mind and soul?
Help me to say shit all men aint the same?
Help me through the sleepless nights of wondering where you are when your not sleeping by my side?
Help me as I wake up from the dream that you are hurt and I can't save you from the streets that you roam?
Help me to help you find your way home?
Help me to help myself to Help you?
Help me to be okay without you?
Help me to Breath?

*Someone for me*

Someone who loves me for me, for my rights and my wrongs
Someone who finds it hard to eat, sleeps, breath, live and love without me
Someone whose touch, kiss and Hug is unforgettable
Someone who might not be near me but I feel their heart beat with mines
Someone who when I cry feels my tears and wants to substitute security for my fears
Someone who takes my mind, body and soul to the level of excellence
Someone who I see next to me for life
Someone who is not afraid to tell the world and me that he loves me with every breath of his being
Someone who I look back at this poem and say
"That someone was you"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sing To me

Just want you to look at the SEXYNESS THAT IS TREY SONGZ. Now all my friends know my secret love affair that I have with him. Today I just found out that he will be here the weekend of my birthday. So that is one concert that I will be at. I have loved his music since he first came out and I'm loving this grown and sexy look that he has now. We all have stars that you are like man if they were my MAN. Trey Songz just happens to be mines. Some days you think what would a day with him be like, you know wondering is he like his songs, could sex be that amazing that its like he invented it LOL. Or will he be that sweet sexy man of my dreams well if not any of that I have his Cd and pictures to get me by see you in concert Mr. Songz.

Legally Rugie Bee

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How do you date?

So I have been doing this Dating this for a min. To Love or not to Love, To Kick it or not to kick it! My friends and I can sit down for hours and discuss the male race and their faults, likes, love and the lust for them whats that saying " YOU CAN'T LIVE WITH THEM BUT YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM" So How do we date in the 2009-2010. I was watching the Monique show and Columbus Short the guy from "Stomp the Yard" was saying how he felt sorry for our young women and how we don't have the concept of being courted by a man. That got me to thinking DO WE? when a guy now a days asks us to go out it's a movies or maybe going to his house. There is not the pick me up at home, take me to dinner for more than 5 times. just the hang out make out and maybe SEX . So I ask the question" What is your worth? I know that I want Marriage, children and a good man. I don't want a baby dad no offense to my single mothers, but I have seen first hand what its is like for some of you and how hard you work. Not saying I could not do it by myself if need be but What has happened to the dating that used to happen have we as women SETTLED for the Hang out maybe he is my man or we are just kicking it. what happened to the will you be my girl check YES or NO days of holding hands and not just being an in the house girlfriend!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sex and the Beach

4 young sexy, fly, Bay Area Chicks got on a plane and were off to Miami and had some what of an idea that they would have this love connection with the city that NEVER sleeps that is MIAMI. We left out of San Fran laughing the whole way to the airport. We land in Miami and the bright lights and beauty that is Miami catches up with us. So we hit the beaches and we party all night most of the time the Sun beats us back to our hotel... Going on vacation with your friends is somthing that I feel EVERYONE needs to experience that way you don't turn around and feel like you never did anything in life. We ate a great resturants partyed at great night clubs, and saw some sexy men what more can a girl ask for. So Ideas for a next vacation any where where you and your friends can party the day and night away.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Friends Let me Tell you...

So when I first thought about hitting the Blog these ladies came to mind because I have had the most random times with them that I can't believe that it never has been written down " ARE YOU SERIOUS". In no real order just the way that the pics came up when I posted them hell I'm still figuring this thing out so this is what you get. These are some of the ladies who I ask what they think and LOVE to hangout with. In order for me to want to be around someone you must posses these qualities







a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
a member of the same nation, party, etc.

So I'm going to give you a slight spit of my friends more friends will come in my later blogs as " Legally Rugie Bee goes" on ya dig.

So You have my Jaz I'll call her Classy with an A**. C with A you ask Some Guy in Miami called her that and me Short Stop and the names stuck. This girl makes me want an iPhone because she finds any and everything in the world with it Pure comedy. She is my Friend that is on Twitter and we can laugh about Random moments " Tweet Diddy" " Diddy I See you" LOL inside joke Class with A** knows. The crazy thing is we went to High School together and only knew of each other so I feel like we have years to make up for. My favorite Line from C with A " I had a Dream and CSI was in our Hotel room looking for finger prints". Now this Chick right Here Sokia like Nokia "get it" LOL I have known her since my days at Napa JC. She was the baby of the crew but let her act like it she thinks she is the Mama of the crew. Words that explain Sokia well... Great mom, Student, Friend, daughter, Sister and one goofy slow dancing on the pole in the club machine. I have never been so mad at her than when she moved to Atlanta, but she is back and brought us a gift and the gift was her daughter Kennedi. ( Side note: Kennedi is the smartest lil kid ever and also one of a kind) Now she is back and we RUN THIS TOWN in our own way. From her random stories to laughing and saying " Rugie your crazy" she is one of the funniest people I know and sweetest. She is the one who makes you think is the Gas leaking? and if you tell her you don't have time for this! she will ask you do you have time to DIE!

RIGHT UNDERNEATH ME! Sheena Rose dot H. She is the never trust a Big butt and smile on the real for real LOL. No just kidding this chick is my Lombardi Running, Student worker telling, 3 shot jumping, laughing so hard that we cry story telling homie. We are also known as the PEANUT Gallery. I have so many stories that include her and still till this day makes me laugh while I'm typing. She is the person who will go along with an all week drinking challenge when we had no business doing friend. She is the friend who will hold your dark deep secrets, She is the one that gets away with EVERYTHING. LOL Dammit. She is a dedicated hard working lady who will do great in life. Sheena is the one who will look at you with a serious look and say "REALLY RUGIE REALLY I don't want to go to jail TONIGHT".

"Johnell whats the name of that song?" Johnell also known as mama Nell, J-cropper cuz ya do it mo Proppa( I can see your face when you read it). Talk about when you need a friend or help with anything she is ya girl. Even though i tell her all the time " Do things that make you happy" she will respond " making people happy makes me happy". Every time we try to think back about how and when we became friends we can't think of it. I was running with a different crowd when I first met her. The first time she really gets to know me I'm throwing Bows in the club I was a wild one. She helped calm me down some days. Me and Johnell are the ones at the Bball games telling people how the other teams is wack and how we getting the "SHIP" when neither of us bounced one ball. But on the Flag football field she was the one who was not pulling flags but pushing Bit**es out of bounds saying. "Not today Save ya self". You can call her Coach she got all the plays. And she saying "alright girl I see you reppin The Bay and I reps NY all day".

Mac Mok. Moka. Mo. my Ace. This is the homie on the real for real. She has stood by me in fights, laughed and cried with me. My sis is one of a kind. My dad always says he has two daughters his Japanese, my mom calls her Gumbo and my brother calls her sister bear. I call her sis and SUNSHINE as we bump in the car blasting that MAC MUTHA FUCKIN DRE. When you see me you see her. One of a kind and always on time. Hard working and about her shit! Never getting played because as she would say" Game recognize Game" She is the one who will aways say I love you, when she gets off the phone. Mok is the one who supports me no matter what and Loves me unconditionally Chucky Chucky I love Chucky. She is the real of a dying fly ass breed. She is my fly shoe wearing, Jordan wearing, Choke holding, you don't want it with her, so Nick nack patty wack give ya hoe some donkey.

Now there is me I'm the one who brings it full circle not to toot my own horn but "TOOT" 'TOOT" My friends are great so i'm great. There the ones who complete me. Make me laugh, Cry, Throw up laughing and they will be some of my guest writers but we shall call them Rugie Bee's Guest Bee's. Our Life Your Entertainment! We got what those little girls wish they had. Walking down stairs in a fly pair of heels, Ass just right, we can ball with the best! Beat you up, Insult you without you relizing it, treat you like you don't exist, TURN THE CLUB OUT and Party while you wishing you could make it RAIN! We are just your adverage girls Trying to spit that game in this Mixed up world. But we are also God fearing, Strong, the type you can take home to your mom, Help you when your down and give props where it is Due. I love My ladies and my Ladies Love me!

Legally Rugie Bee!